MMSys 2022 Awards
Best Paper Award
“Deep Variational Learning for Multiple Trajectory Prediction of 360° Head Movements” - Quentin Guimard, Lucile Sassatelli, Francesco Marchetti, Federico Becattini, Lorenzo Seidenari, Alberto Del Bimbo
Best Student Paper
“Context-aware Image Compression Optimization for Visual Analytics Offloading” - Bo Chen, Zhisheng Yan, Klara Nahrstedt
Best Student Paper
“Encrypted Video Search: Scalable, Modular, and Content-Similar” - Yu Zheng, Minxin Du, Chong Fu, Heng Tian
Best Open Dataset & Software Paper
“SILVR: A Synthetic Immersive Large-Volume Plenoptic Dataset” - Martijn Courteaux, Julie Artois, Stijn De Pauw, Peter Lambert, Glenn Van Wallendael
Best Demo & Industry Paper
“Virtual Visits: Life-size Immersive Communication” - Sylvie Dijkstra-Soudarissanane, Simon Gunkel, Véronne Reinders
Workshop Awards
NOSSDAV Best Paper
“Applying VertexShuffle Toward 360-Degree Video Super-Resolution” - Na Li, Yao Liu
GameSys & MMVE Best Paper
“The Impact of Network and Social Context on Quality of Experience for Competitive Multiplayer Virtual Reality Games” - Ivan Slivar, Sara Vlahovic, Matko Silic, Lea Skorin-Kapov, Mirko Suznjevic
DASH-IF Awards
Excellence in DASH Award: 1st
“Nagare Media Ingest: A Server for Live CMAF Ingest Workflows” - Matthias Neugebauer
Excellence in DASH Award: 2nd
“Does TCP New Congestion Window Validation Improve HTTP Adaptive Streaming Performance?” - Mihail Yanev, Colin Perkins, Stephen McQuistin
Excellence in DASH Award: 3rd
“C2: Consumption Context Cognizant ABR Streaming for Improved QoE and Resource Usage Tradeoffs” - Cheonjin Park, Chinmaey Shende, Subhabrata Sen, Bing Wang
Excellence in DASH Award: 3rd
“GreenABR: Energy-Aware Adaptive Bitrate Streaming with Deep Reinforcement Learning” - Bekir Turkkan, Ting Dai, Adithya Raman, Tevfik Kosar, Changyou Chen, Muhammed Fatih Bulut, Jaroslaw Zola, Daby Sow