Artifact Review and Badging
Submission Info:
- Check the appropriate box in the submission page to indicate your wish to apply for a reproducibility badge upon acceptance of your paper.
- Send the required materials (see instructions below) to the Reproducibility Track chairs (dates to be confirmed).
MMSys was the first ACM SIGMM conference to implement the ACM's artifact reviewing and badging policy. Authors are invited to formally submit their supporting materials following the process below.
The reviewers for the Reproducibility Track will attempt to reproduce the experiments/simulations and assess if the submitted artifacts support the claims made in the paper through the clearly defined artifacts and instructions submitted with the paper including traces, source code, tools, original datasets, etc.
The Reproducibility Track awards badge(s) according to ACM’s artifact reviewing and badging policy to the accepted papers that publicly release the artifacts used in the paper. The badge(s) appears as a highlight along with the paper in the ACM DL.
Note that applying for a reproducibility badge is optional and does not influence the final decision regarding paper acceptance.
Instructions and Required Materials
To make the reviewing task easier, we strongly recommend you to use a format for the artifacts that ensure easy reviewing and reproducibility. Note the following:
- Either make a self-contained docker image or VirtualBox virtual machine (tips) or use one of the tools that allow direct integration of your artifacts into the ACM DL. These tools (Collective Knowledge, OCCAM, and Code Ocean) are each described with short videos here. They cover a wide range of cases and programming languages and are worth considering in most cases.
- The code must be accessible and easily runnable, not presented as a black box.
- The appendix (which has no effect on the page count of the camera-ready version) should be no longer than three pages, including all the guidelines for testing the artifacts. We recommend this template from, where you can also find a detailed description of what information to provide.
If you have an unusual experimental set up that requires specific hardware or proprietary software, contact the Reproducibility Track Chairs before submission
Evaluation Process
The artifacts go through a revision process, during which e-mail exchanges can occur between the authors and the Reproducibility Track chairs on behalf of the reviewers. The evaluators are asked to evaluate the artifacts based on the criteria defined by ACM.